Our company was founded in 1992 as a distributor for electronic components.
Our scope of business is expanding more and more from semiconductors to complex units and finished products. As official representative of our vendors we offer
- M2M industrial data trasmission solutions
- wired and wireless devices
- other embedded and non-embededd devices
- GSM,GPS modules
- Single Board Computers (SBC)
- Solid State drives (SSD)
- RFID (readers, proximity cards, TAGs)
- Power LEDs
- Remote monitoring
- RF connectors.
Our main goal is
- to become a reliable partner of local customers by providing up-to-date technical and competitive commercial service
- to develop a long term relationship based on mutual confidence
- to contribute to the success of our customer’s design activity by offering
- engineering consultation
- samples (ex stock or with short-term delivery)
- development kit rental.
Macro Budapest ltd.
H1115 Budapest, Tétényi út 8.
Technical support: Gabor Turi, FAE gabor.turi@macrobudapest.hu
Commercial contacts: Borbély Ágnes, agnes.borbely@macrobudapest.hu
Operations manager: Annamaria Papp, annamaria.papp@macrobudapest.hu
Managing director: Eva Karner, eva.karner@macrobudapest.hu